When you know you want more…
and you are ready to take steps to get it

Expedite Your Future at this Quantum Success Live Event for spiritual and health conscious entrepreneurs

Sunday, July 21st

Join this Quantum Success Event and Learn my Step-by-Step Secrets to Building a 6-Figure Business quickly so you can live a life you love


The successful you.
The one who is hiding in your head and is longing to get out and live a better life.

Create your business foundation in One Day!

  • Are you sick of struggling with ideas to figure out exactly how to create consistent clarity, confidence or cash in your personal and professional life?

  • Have you been limiting yourself, hiding behind an unhealthy habit…but it’s secretly killing you?

  • Are you beginning to wonder if having it all without falling apart or burning out is just a fantasy?

  • Do you know that you are meant for so much more – yet are held back by lack of courage, perfectionism, or fear of failure/success?

  • Is your body giving you signals that your current stressful pace is unsustainable? And some mornings you just feel too overwhelmed or exhausted to get out of bed or too much mental chatter to fall asleep at night?

  • Are you finally ready to drop the old paradigm of having to try harder, or work harder to have what your deeply desire?

I am ready to leave indecision behind and take steps to create my own long term success

I know that I am meant for more and want to learn how to take my next steps to greatness

I can’t wait to evolve and Expedite my journey and live a life I love

I TOTALLY GET IT! And I’ve got your back!

What if I told you that you CAN HAVE IT ALL without the self-sacrifice? Would you believe me?

What if we revealed something about YOU that would change your life forever?

Hidden within you IS a Thriving Powerhouse just ready to take it’s proper place!

One more What if…what I gave you the steps to Unleash this SUPERPOWER?

Would you wait to find out how to implement this into your life???

Would you say that SOMEDAY you would like to fulfill your destiny?

I don’t think so…


Now is the time. Time to unlock your inner light and truth and expertise so you can have the lifestyle you long for. If you’re here reading this right now, it’s because you are likely an amazing, heart-centered soul who works your butt off trying to be successful and make everyone happy. You probably grew up doing the right thing, getting the right job, being an overachiever and over-doer. You may have even spent much of your time working for an institution or organization, fitting into society’s defined role for you, Mother, Doctor, Lawyer, Therapist, Teacher, Healer, Producer, Actor…

You are probably ALWAYS there for everyone else in your life and put others first. You have proven that you are NOT selfish, arrogant, and definitely not above anyone else. In the meantime, you may have started feeling resentful, fearful, and guilty for not showing up as the full YOU!

And NOW – the old model just doesn’t FIT anymore. You watch others get ahead while you struggle to move forward. You are no longer in alignment with playing small…and you are ready to break through to a new POWERFUL YOU!


Because I was you… Over-certified, over-worked, over-giver…until I finally just got OVER IT!!

I decided that enough was enough and knew I needed to change. After several years and many thousands of dollars invested, I learned how to harness my power and step fully into my inner thriving leadership role!

In this powerful weekend I will take you through my proprietary 3 Pillar System of complete inner and outer personal & professional intention setting. During our time together, I will guide you through a series of practices that will take you from realization, to manifestation and implementation.

I just had my first VIP session with Tania and it was fantastic! Almost immediately she helped me zone in on an issue that has been holding me back, in both my business and personal life. I kind of knew it was there, but Tania helped me see it very quickly and then I literally moved through it on the call (and it was effortless!). I’ve had this fear for YEARS, and it is simply not there anymore! I no longer feel scared about really putting myself out there or embracing my power. Instead, I feel ready to show the world who I am, have a greater impact, and make a lot more money in the process.

Mary Knebel


Sunday, July 21st

Create your business foundation in One Day!


Get Clear on WHO YOU ARE & your WHAT YOU DO statement

Do you have so much in your head about what you want to do and how you help others that you can’t actually explain it to anyone…maybe even yourself??? This will lose the confusion and cement your purpose so you can actually explain and sell yourself to your best clients.

Your unique gifts and influence

Most people think that they are good at one thing or another but never really see their inner beauty like the trained eye of a business mentor. Uncover your special superpower and learn who your clients are.

​Create Your Business Model

Put all of your ideas to paper in an organized and tested fashion so that you can take all of the right steps toward your goals.

Set an Inspiring Vision

Be inspired by your own vision that truly becomes your reality.


Create a short and long bio that sells

Prepare your business self for all opportunities and create bios that will be used in different marketing environments. 

Take your idea to program & package 

Time to create a program from the ideas in your head and make them a reality for your clients. We map out the entire program so you begin to intimately know what you will sell.

Learn how to make Money from mindset to market

The Crucial Steps to take to market your ideas so clients who really need them can find you.


Create your Signature Draft Talk 

Prepare your script for your Signature Program so you will always be on point when speaking to your clients. 

Create Hot Copy Foundation for your Offer

Prepare the foundation for the aspects of your program that really excite your clients so you know what to talk about when you are not in a formal consultation. Clients are everywhere!





My Make an Extra 5K Working From Anywhere in the World Formula.


This one day event will save you hundreds of hours trying to figure it out on your own plus save you thousands of dollars hiring experts to help you set up your business up for success. 



About Tania

Tania Dilmani is an award winning international best selling author, transformational speaker and the CEO of Living My Best Inc. She is the founder of Mommy Homeopathy Academy and is a celebrity in the world of conscious entrepreneurs, wellness professionals and mommy CEO’s. Empowering them to use vibrational healing techniques to align themselves for the ultimate success and life they are meant to have! Tania is passionate about mentoring, teaching and healing and more so about supporting you to get to the root of any obstacle in your personal or professional life as an opportunity to be healthier, happier, and more successful! Tania’s spent the last 2 decades helping individuals and families to be healthier and now she brings you her expertise integrating wellness on an integrative body, mind and soul connection. She has spent many years mastering the creation of her step by step signature systems to success that integrates her whole self in and will give you the templates to do the same for you! She walks you through her step by step system so you can create the personal and professional life you deserve, desire and dream of!Take your personal & Professional Life to the Next Level.


Tania Dilmani C Hom, CLC, CD Master Homeopath, Author, Educator, Empowerment Coach, Doula Mentor, HP Supervisor, Specializing in Family Health and Wellbeing

Have a question? Send us an email!

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