Knowing with complete certainty the reward awaiting you for prioritizing your highest values
and taking ACTION 4 your better life NOW!!!

One Weekend… A Lifetime of Change

  • Are you sick of struggling with ideas to figure out exactly how to create consistent clarity, confidence or cash in your personal and professional life?

  • Have you been limiting yourself, hiding behind an unhealthy habit…but it’s secretly killing you?

  • Are you beginning to wonder if having it all without falling apart or burning out is just a fantasy?

  • Do you know that you are meant for so much more – yet are held back by lack of courage, perfectionism, or fear of failure/success?

  • Is your body giving you signals that your current stressful pace is unsustainable? And some mornings you just feel too overwhelmed or exhausted to get out of bed or too much mental chatter to fall asleep at night?

  • Are you finally ready to drop the old paradigm of having to try harder, or work harder to have what your deeply desire?

Well, buckle up friends and set your intentions to ignite greater IMPACT, INCOME and INFLUENCE!

If you answered YES to any of the above questions, keep reading…
you are DEFINITELY in the right place!

WHAT IF – You COULD have it ALL without the self-sacrifice?

WHAT IF – We revealed something about YOU that could change EVERYTHING? Hidden within your IS a Thriving Powerhouse!

And WHAT IF – I taught you EXACTLY how to Unleash this SUPERPOWER?

I TOTALLY GET IT! And I’ve got your back!


Time to unlock your inner light and truth and expertise so you can have the lifestyle you long for. If you’re here reading this right now, it’s because you are an amazing, heart-centered soul who works your butt off trying to be successful and make everyone happy. You probably grew up doing the right thing, getting the right job, being an overachiever and over-doer. You may have even spent much of your time working for an institution or organization, fitting into society’s defined role for you, mother, Doctor, Lawyer, Therapist, Teacher, Healer, Producer, Actor…

You are probably ALWAYS there for everyone else in your life and put others first. You have proven that you are NOT selfish, arrogant, and definitely not above anyone else. In the meantime, you may have started feeling resentful, fearful, and guilty for not showing up as the full YOU!

And NOW – the old model just doesn’t FIT anymore. You are no longer in alignment with playing small…and you are ready to break through to a new YOU!

Because I was you… Over-certified, over-worked, over-giver…until I finally just got get OVER IT!! I decided that enough was enough and knew I needed to change. After several years and thousands of dollars invested, I learned how to harness my power and step fully into my Inner thriving leadership role! In this powerful weekend I will take you through my proprietary 3 pillar system of complete inner and outer personal & professional intention setting. During our time together, I will guide you through a series of practices that will take you from realization, to manifestation to implementation.

I just had my living my best vip session with Tania and it was fantastic! Almost immediately she helped me zone in on an issue that has been holding me back, in both my business and personal life. I kind of knew it was there, but Tania helped me see it very quickly and then I literally moved through it on the call (and it was effortless!). I’ve had this fear for YEARS, and it is simply not there anymore! I no longer feel scared about really putting myself out there or embracing my power. Instead, I feel ready to show the world who I am, have a greater impact, and make a lot more money in the process.

Mary Knebel


AUGUST 2-4, 2019

One Intensive Getaway… A Lifetime of Change


Open up your energy centers and set the “inner” stage where for your success. Fun, laughter, and Vision Boarding, Guided Meditations to prime your Success Transformation.


Shifting from FEAR to CREATIVITY
(energy centers opening activities)
Elevate your vibration
Uncover & Clear any energetic blocks preventing success from flowing through you Discover your personal self-sabotaging patterns and break through them
Release any fears or worries that being bold and stepping into the spot light is scary or unsafe
Find your power and step into it once and for all.


Express what you want and do more succinctly
Organize and systemize your passion and purpose into a step by step action plan

When you begin to heal your relationship with success at the seed level, your health, your relationships, and everything else will automatically align. You know, you can FEEL IT…it’s time for you to start being truly successful in your potential, and to show the world who you really are!

You are NOT meant to struggle, living in constant stress, trading your health, being a prisoner to your business, and still not having the quality of life you desire.

That’s why this Transformational Weekend is designed to completely REWIRE your brain, energy centers, and your success mindset, so that you go from ‘surviving’ into ‘thriving’ in your overall life.

Your Success Transformation is finally HERE!

I get it… it is really, REALLY scary to step into your power and embrace the wealthy, successful unique individual who is hiding out inside of you. At least, for me it was!! I was TERRIFIED to show the world my strength and my power, because I am highly connected, and caring, and wanted everyone else to like me. Here’s what I realized, though: It is my Divine birthright to live the life that is calling to me, and that includes being wealthy and having it all! And it is YOUR Divine birthright, as well. I guarantee it!

I have your road map, and I am going to show you EXACTLY how to transform your relationship with success so that it LOVES being around you and just can’t stay away. You are worthy. You have always been enough. And you always WILL be enough.

In fact, you are MORE than enough… and once you finally accept that, that’s when your overall success will start to show up as more than enough too!


The 2 1/2 day Intensive Weekend is valued at $1997!

Your time and commitment represents an investment in YOURSELF and your FUTURE SUCCESS.

Our prices are a small way that we help you lose the excuses that prevent you from going from surviving to thriving…again!
We see you, We believe in you, and you are ENTIRELY worth it!!!

$997 by May 1

$1497 by June 1


About Tania

Tania Dilmani is an award winning international best selling author, transformational speaker and the CEO of Living My Best Inc. She is the founder of Mommy Homeopathy Academy and is a celebrity in the world of conscious entrepreneurs, wellness professionals and mommy CEO’s. Empowering them to use vibrational healing techniques to align themselves for the ultimate success and life they are meant to have! Tania is passionate about mentoring, teaching and healing and more so about supporting you to get to the root of any obstacle in your personal or professional life as an opportunity to be healthier, happier, and more successful! Tania’s spent the last 2 decades helping individuals and families to be healthier and now she brings you her expertise integrating wellness on an integrative body, mind and soul connection. She has spent many years mastering the creation of her step by step signature systems to success that integrates her whole self in and will give you the templates to do the same for you! She walks you through her step by step system so you can create the personal and professional life you deserve, desire and dream of!Take your personal & Professional Life to the Next Level

Have a question? Send us an email!

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